Frogs Don’t Fly
Today is my 55th birthday, and I’m happier to be alive than I’ve ever been. For so many years I tried to get by on the fly, but that’s not what I was created for. And now that I’m doing things God’s way, He’s taking me to unimaginable heights. It’s true what they say though, the older you get, the faster it goes.
On this day last year, I felt the Lord’s nudge. “I’m going to take this ministry to a new level.”
My excited, yet somewhat overwhelmed, reply was “I’m kind of happy with where it is now.”
His comeback? “Well, it’s not about you.”
One of the most intriguing things I’ve learned about receiving from God is this: When God tells you or shows you something, your response is what prompts His next move. Because this is true, I immediately began to ask, “What should I do next?”
Inmate using Endovo tablet – John Timpone
When I tell you we serve a God without limits, I’m not kidding. I hope I never lose the amazement of watching Him work. It’s been an extremely busy year for me. To date, I’ve spoken 85Xs. Between these engagements, I coached a team through the process of revamping my website. I also did what proved to be a painful and tedious grammatical edit of my book.
Hey, if God’s taking this somewhere new I want to be ready.
Although tablets have been in prison since 2020, I was unaware. But the more prisons I spoke in, the more I heard, “You should be on our tablets.” So I began to investigate.
Like everything, when dealing with the Department of Corrections, there were many hoops, doors, and steps that had to be navigated. But I’m no quitter. I jumped over, dipped in, and pressed on. And now… Deep in the Heart of Texas has been uploaded to the EDOVO platform and is available on 100,000 tablets in the US prison system. I’m also approved to have, Get With It (daily devotionals), Daily Trophy (encouragement memes), and my YouTube – TimeOut – videos, on their continually increasing list.
What a Leap
Talk about widening your reach. This platform is targeted to be on one million tablets by this time next year. It’s so encouraging to know that God is blessing everything we’re doing. If that weren’t true none of this would be possible. But as you know, the grander the reach the greater the cost.
Advertising on EDOVO is expensive but prisons outside of Georgia and Florida have never heard of Texas Stready. Searching an educational tool for a good book is not the norm, but the cost of ads doesn’t compare to what printing and shipping would be. Tablets also guarantee the content can’t be damaged and is always available to everyone at no cost. Because this platform is not yet in Florida or Georgia, I will still be printing and distributing books there.
Just to inform you, A Radical Difference is 100% debt-free and only purchases what we can pay for. This is a very important truth the Bible teaches, that I follow wholeheartedly. If you wanna win the game you gotta follow the rules.
So, if you’re questioning where to do your year-end giving—frogs can swim—so dive on in, the water’s great! A Radical Difference is obeying the radical truths of God and seeing the radical results of His grace and favor. And so—according to God’s Word—blessing us, blesses you.
An enormous thanks to each of you for your continued support.(A Radical Difference is a 501(c) (3) Non-Profit Corporation)
Much Love,
Texas Stready
I’m blown away at what God has done through your ministry this year!! There is truly no limit to his amazing grace. Thank you for yielding to his voice and his plan. A Radical Difference is a world changer!