Peace is a moment-by-moment choice. ✌
Once you set your heart to live by My Spirit, you are no longer consumed by other folks’ wrong choices. You have the power to remove yourself from the consequences of everyone’s actions but yours. Because you reap what you sow, making decisions to do what’s right has the power to restore your peace. Be sensitive to follow the leading of My voice and what’s supposed to be yours will come to you.
“Walk away from the evil things of the world, and always seek peace and pursue it. ”
— Psalm 34:14 (VOICE)
We get so caught up in everyone else’s stuff, trying to fix everyone else but ourselves. Clear your house of anything ungodly and listen for His voice.
Ain’t that the truth. We are so quick to tell others what needs to be done but nowhere near as blunt and brutal with ourselves. Thanks for the comment. Hope you have a week filled with beautiful surprises from the Father.