I have the power. ⚡


I have the power. ⚡



The events that are unfolding are not what you expected. Does this mean I don’t see what’s happening? Of course not. Do not worry I have not abandoned you. As you watch you’ll see that I am in the details. I possess the authority to alter any circumstances but I rarely go against the choices humans make. Refuse to focus on your disappointment or discouragement. You may not yet see the work that I am doing, but I am at work. Stand fast in your faith.



“From the beginning I declare how things will end; from times long past, I tell what is yet to be, saying: “My intentions will come to pass. I will make things happen as I determine they should.”
— Isaiah 46:10 (VOICE)




  1. It’s important to realize that God has a revealed will for your life. Each day as we wake up we are charged to live our lives in a manner that is ,”adorning” to the gospel. Phil 1:27.
    God also has given us the Holy Spirit that leads us to divine appointments where we need to be ready to give an answer to those we meet. He gave us the armor and the Word that we might stand fast in the work he has given us. That in everything he is glorified . In our life and in our death.

    • So very true. Thanks for taking the time to leave this comment. Hope you have a great week.

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