by Texas Stready

With eyes the size of golf balls I rush outside in response to my grandson’s cry for help. I’m not at all an alarmist, but rarely does my Pierce have the sound of horror in his voice.

“It might’ve killed me. It might’ve killed me,” he says.

“What might’ve killed you,” I question.

“Nona, I almost stepped on a snake.”

In that moment ease takes over. You see I’m familiar with this landscape and I know the very snake he’s speaking of. I know where he lives, where he sunbathes, and how he responds to my interruption.

Beware vs. Be Aware

Not like he’s a friend but I am fully aware of his presence. Although he startles me from time to time, I feel no fear because I know what he is. A simple black snake. I’m not afraid of him; he couldn’t kill me if he wanted to. (

There are many things in life that we must be cautious of, but there are also things that bring unnecessary alarm. As followers of Christ, death can be a celebration. We can’t live in the fullness of who we’re meant to be until we’re dead to who we presently are.

The greatest gift you can receive, is knowing where you’ll spend eternity. Truth to tell, fearing death is not appreciating what we have. Fact is, being intimidated by death keeps us from living our life on purpose.

What good is eternal security if I live in panic of today. And what benefit is some pie-in-the-sky dream, if I have no help for the matters of the moment. None!

Make It Your Business

It’s strange too me how scared we are to let go of this life. For children of the Most High God, the place we leave is filled with turmoil and the place we arrive has nothing but peace. From sickness to wholeness, destruction to completion, pathetic hangups to prophetic hangouts. It’s a good deal. Seems like if we had any sense at all, we’d look forward to it.

Settle down, settle down. I’m not so much talking of losing your physical life, and most of the time neither is Christ. The death I’m referring to doesn’t take our lives from us, it restores life to us.

I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Galatians 2:20 NASB

A common problem we face comes from no clear realization of what salvation entitles us to. The land we are called to possess is one of beauty and riches, of hope and help. If this isn’t true who the heck wants to be a Christian?

Give It Up

God won’t take your will from you. You must forfeit it to Him. If you never choose to do this, you will never have what is meant for you. I know this by the results of my past behavior, as well as the hundreds of people I’ve watched. Death to self brings life, and the alternative will kill you. Literally. (

Nothing this world offers gives the fulfillment you crave. This makes it very inviting to give up control. Especially when you’re relinquishing it to an all-powerful source that’s crazy about you, and is always, always, nothing but good.

There’s so much life to be lived in Christ.

So much joy, so much peace, so much prosperity, so much hope, so much purpose, so much vision, so much more than I could ever describe to you. And the best part? All you have to do is stop fighting and die. Die to your resolutions and resources. That’s all it takes to live like the powerhouse you’re meant to be.

So my question to you today is… Are you dead yet?


  1. Beautifully written, Texas…and I’m still working on it. I do believe an importnat key to the “how to” of this truth is learning who God is…His character, His love and compassion. And, ultimately falling in love with Him! It’s evident that you’ve learned this truth and are, by His grace, living it out and sharing it with those in your world…blessings girl.

  2. How could I be more proud of my daughter. You are a special person and I love what God has done and is doing in your life. By the way, where did you learn to write so well?

  3. Such great insight! When we are focused on the “eternal” instead of the what about me attitude. I love your faith and it makes me want more of my father. Great job!

  4. “Nothing this world offers gives the fulfillment you crave.” So true!! The trade off is joy, peace, prosperity, hope purpose. That should be a no brainer. Yes, today I want to die to self and live for Christ. Thanks for this reminder Texas.

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