ROCKING REALITY – living the truth on purpose.
Reminder: Be cautious of your words.
Encouragement: Complaining is a worthless practice that keeps you separated from what is good. You cannot represent Me when the words you speak are full of death. Protect the things that are precious in your life by guarding what comes from your mouth. The enemy of your soul is always looking for an opportunity to tear down and destroy. I’m eager to restore you to a place of security and excellence the moment you return to Me. Interaction with My Spirit will help you to decipher what’s right and stay in fellowship with friends that build you up.
Guidance: Jeremiah 15:19 VOICE – If you will turn back to Me, I will restore you—and you will stand before Me. If you will speak worthy words instead of worthless complaints, you will be My spokesman. Let the people come to you, but don’t go to them!