Get With It — Repentance brings excellence ✨
Reminder: Repentance brings excellence. ✨ Encouragement: Do not think of the word repentance as shameful. It is not.…
Reminder: Repentance brings excellence. ✨ Encouragement: Do not think of the word repentance as shameful. It is not.…
Reminder: Recognize your power. ⚡ Encouragement: Don’t allow quitting to be an option. Run the race in expectation…
Reminder: Live your life the easy way. 🌿 Encouragement: The world is filled with nonstop external chatter. If…
Reminder: Stay on the path. 🛣 Encouragement: It’s imperative that you position yourself to walk in the Spirit…
Reminder: Close your eyes 👁🗨 Encouragement: Refuse to get stuck in the rut of negative thinking. My message…
Reminder: Fear not! 😨 Encouragement: Be calm and deliberate when deciding how to make the best use of…