Lunch with Naples support team

by Texas Stready

After a fierce January and February, I’m happy to report that March slowed down a bit—and my poor little brain needed that.


Although no one promised that “being about the Father’s business” would be slow. And it’s not. And I’m okay with that.

How about you? Are you busy about the right business? And are you at peace in the busyness? Just a thought. Something we should always be asking ourselves.

Week One:

On the 2nd of the month I went to the Highlands County Jail for training. I took the Chaplin five more books for the men’s side as my father and I will be doing an event there later in the year.

The Chaplin, Rev. Shirley Johnson, is the best. Super psyched to be on the team. I am scheduled to do my first event this month. YAY!

On the 6th I was privileged to share my story with the youth at my church. FBC@South Oak. Definitely had their attention. Many of the kids asked me to come back later and join their discussion group.

Cool. So I scheduled three times to do just that.

Youth—if you don’t take the window they give you, you’ll be left out in the cold. And only a warm voice has influence. Gotta do it.

Week Two:

Because I strongly believe in confidentiality I won’t share their names, but I did share lunch with three young adults in my community in this week.

Discussions about healthy relationships, sex before marriage, further education, and job security all took place.

I listened a lot…because I know that’s how you earn the right to speak.

Lots of interesting ideas, that’s for sure.

On the 12th of March I spoke at the annual women’s luncheon at Leisure Lakes Baptist Church. Wow!! Loved this event. It’s so fun to drop my unvarnished reality in the lap of folks. Sometimes people are offended or put off, but this group of ladies was warm and welcoming. Just like Jesus.

What a great time. And I received several donations that will enable me to leave books in the facilities I visit next month. Go God!

Week Three:

The 14th-16th was spent in Naples. On the first day of my trip I was excited to recognize the Holy Spirit living in a friend I’ve been ministering to this year.

The Lord was quick to tell me that the day and time of this transformation wasn’t significant. The fact that He resides in my friend’s heart is all that matters.

Only God. He’s such a character. Isn’t He?

On the 15th I spoke at The Harvest Recovery, where we got down and dirty. Because these people know my story we circled up and talked. A beautiful time of recognizing God’s activity in our personal lives.

You should’ve been there.

The 16th was spent with a women’s group named, God’s Masterpiece.

Fellowship, study, prayer. We prayed for things like commission, admission, and submission and spoke over individuals at this spot. Super intense.

Week Four:

The rest of Week Three and all of Week Four I’ve spent doing detail work. Things like writing, filming, planning. Ordering business cards, updating the website, following up with people who’ve made new commitments, and then there’s always the work of making new contacts.

Not real crazy about doing this part but all very necessary.

Oh, and let’s not forget the social media postings or filling book orders. Then there’s texts, emails, and phone calls. Walking through the details of divorce with two people and continuing to counsel a parent whose child’s been sober for six months.

Both situations got sticky at times but nothing God couldn’t handle.


Total book distribution – 693

Although it was very busy, it was slower than last month, and for this I’m grateful.

I think.

To be honest, what I’m most grateful for is the opportunity to do this at all. I love it. I’m lucky to be alive and we’re all lucky to have purpose. But to be alive and operating in my purpose…I got it real good.

And not one moment of the day goes by that I don’t recognize that.

You guys rock for loving me, and for caring about what’s going on in my small—but effective—ministry.

Love you all more than words—and I’m a big fan of words.

1 Comment

  1. Dear Texas, I so love your written word. Thanks for the March activities list. You are one busy woman, moving forward according to the Lord’s daily plan. I continue to pray that your ministry is fruitful and it sounds like it is. I’m always reminded of the verse in Jeremiah 29:11-13 for all those in ministry. We are too busy one moment but always given opportunities to rest in Him. Praise God you know that balanced in your life so you can serve the Lord with gusto! Blessings and continued prayers.

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