I dwell in you. 🕊️


I dwell in you. 🕊️



The attitude of your heart, when building a sanctuary, means way more to Me than the actual structure. That is certain. I say this to you, so you’ll keep yourself in check. Showing up to church does not impress Me. I am the Creator of all that is. I’m way bigger and more glorious than you could ever imagine. Yet, the desire of My heart is for you to glorify Me in your words, thoughts, and actions. You are My dwelling place—the church—so require yourself to behave accordingly.



“This is the God who made the universe and all it contains, the God who is the King of all heaven and all earth. It would be illogical to assume that a God of this magnitude could possibly be contained in any man-made structure, no matter how majestic. ”
— Acts 17:24 (VOICE)



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