Choose to trust Me.
Align yourself with My will and purpose and I will give you the personal power to make good decisions. If you allow what’s happening around you to captivate you, weakness and discouragement will overtake you. The only person you have power over is you. Realizing this enables you to release the worries that come with other people’s problems. Believing I am who I say I am will steady your mind and protect your heart.
Joshua 1:9 VOICE – This is My command: be strong and courageous. Never be afraid or discouraged because I am your God, the Eternal One, and I will remain with you wherever you go.
This is GOD’s world and under HIS complete control. I will go with HIS plan for the day, One Day At A Time. I know HE knows all things of HIS will come in HIS time. I’ll stay with HIM and HIS WORD. Blessed is HIS kingdom and all who are in it.
Alan and Mary